Semester 1
Code | Title | CrHrs | Pre-requisite |
MT100 | Basic Mathematics | 3 | None |
NS101 | Applied Physics | 3 | None |
SS108 | Islamic Studies | 2 | None |
SS104 | Englisg Comprehension | 3 | None |
CS100 | Introduction to Computing | 3 | None |
SS118 | Pakistan Studies | 2 | None |
Semester 2
Code | Title | CrHrs | Pre-requisite |
EE101 | Basic Electronics | 3 | NS101 |
CS106 | Introduction to Computer Programming | 4 | CS100 |
MT101 | Calculus-I | 3 | MT100 |
MG100 | Fundamentals of Accounting | 3 | None |
SS203 | Technical Business Report Writting | 3 | SS104 |
Semester 3
Code | Title | CrHrs | Pre-requisite |
MT201 | Discrete Structures | 3 | MT100 |
SS216 | Introduction to Sociology | 3 | None |
CS210 | Data Structure and Algorithms | 4 | CS106 |
SS211 | Communication Skills | 3 | None |
MT102 | Calculus-II | 3 | MT101 |
SE251 | Introduction to Software Development | 3 | CS100 |
Semester 4
Code | Title | CrHrs | Pre-requisite |
CS200 | Object Oriented Programming | 4 | CS106 |
SE252 | Software Construction | 3 | SE251 |
SS218 | Introduction to Psychology | 3 | None |
EE200 | Digital Logic Design | 4 | EE101 |
Technical Elective I | 3 |
Semester 5
Code | Title | CrHrs | Pre-requisite |
CS303 | Operating Systems | 4 | CS210 |
SE253 | Software Requirement Engineering | 3 | CS252 |
MT301 | Statistics and Probability | 3 | MT201 |
SE306 | Data Communication and Networks | 3 | CS100 |
SE385 | Database Management Systems | 4 | CS210 |
Semester 6
Code | Title | CrHrs | Pre-requisite |
SE320 | Human Computer Interaction | 3 | None |
SE321 | Software Quality Engineering | 3 | SE253 |
SE317 | Software Design and Architecture | 3 | SE251 |
SE318 | Formal Methods in Software Engineering | 3 | MT201 |
MT302 | Numerical Analysis | 3 | MT102 |
SE Application Domain Elective-I | 3 | ||
SE494 | Industrial Internship | 2 | None |
Semester 7
Code | Title | CrHrs | Pre-requisite |
SE424 | Software Project Management | 3 | None |
SE499 | Final Project-I | 3 | None |
SS401 | Research Methodology | 3 | SS203 |
SE4xx | SE Elective-I | 3 | None |
MG404 | Entrepreneurship | 3 | None |
Semester 8
Code | Title | CrHrs | Pre-requisite |
SE499 | Final Project II | 3 | SE499 (P-I) |
SE4xx | SE Applicaiton Domain Elective II | 3 | None |
SE426 | Software Testing | 3 | None |
SExxx | SE Elective-II | 3 | None |
SE4xx | SE Elective III | 3 | None |
List of Elective Courses
Code | Title | CrHrs |
SE447 | Software Matrices | 3 |
SE448 | Software Engineering Economics | 3 |
SE449 | Business Process Automation | 3 |
SE450 | Design Patterns | 3 |
SE452 | Distributed Computing | 3 |
SE453 | Introduction to Soft Computing | 3 |
SE454 | Real Time Systems | 3 |
SE455 | Data-warehousing and Data Mining | 3 |
SE307 | Artificial Intelligence | 3 |
SE456 | Network Security and Encription | 3 |
SE467 | Automata Theory and Formal Languages | 3 |
SE468 | Microprocessor Interfacing | 3 |
SE304 | Analysis of Algorithms | 3 |
SE469 | Principles of Programming Languages | 3 |
SE353 | Computer Graphics | 3 |
SE463 | Artificial Neural Networks | 3 |
SE461 | Advanced Database Management Systems | 3 |
SE462 | Bio-Informatics | 3 |
SE443 | Web-Engineering | 3 |
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