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LRU ,Optimal and FIFO Page Replacement Techniques

Program Start:
* n use for pages
* pg[30] use for pages
* fr[10] use for creating fargements
int n,pg[30],fr[10];
//fifo page replacement
void fifo();
//optimal page replacement
void optimal();
//least recent use page replacement
void lru();
//main function is start from here
void main()
            * i use for loop
            * ch is use for choice
            int i,ch;
            printf("      -1  = NULL\n");
            printf("\nEnter total number of pages:");
            //enter number of pages you want like 10
            //page sequences size enter like 1 2 3 4 5 1 1 1 1 1
            printf("\nEnter sequence:");
            for(i=0;i<n;i++)                                   //accepting sequence
                        scanf("%d",&pg[i]);//take input of each page into pg array
            { //select choice of any of them the apply the functionilty
                        printf("\nEnter your choice:");
                                    case 1: fifo();

                                    case 2: optimal();

                                    case 3: lru();


void fifo()
            * i is use for loop
            * num is use for temp store
            * flag is 0 that means no fault if flag is 1 than fault occur
            * psize is use for frame to enter you want
            * count is use to count fault
            int i,f,r,s,count,flag,num,psize;
            printf("\nEnter size of page frame:");
            scanf("%d",&psize);//frame szie enter
            for(i=0;i<psize;i++)     //loop repeat itself according to psize variable
                        fr[i]=-1; // all frame is equal to -1(NULL)
            while(s<n)       //s=0 and n is page size that you enter first
                        flag=0; // flag is 0
                        num=pg[s]; //all page is assinge to num variable
                        //loop start repeat itself according to framesize (psize) 

                                    if(num==fr[i]) //checking page size if equal put it and no error occur(no falut)
            if(flag==0) //flag is zero  checking the page size is zero checking the framesize
                        if(r<psize) //r = 0  and if framesize is greater than this exceute
                                                fr[r]=pg[s]; //assinge fr[ number of frame] = pg[s ++ number of page]
                                                count++;//fault counting
                                                if(f<psize)  //f = 0 and psize
                                                            fr[f]=pg[s]; //frame[f+1] and pg [s+1]
                                                            count++;//fault count+1
                                                f=0; //no exceute than f=0;
                        printf("\n");                              //print the data
printf("\nPage Faults=%d",count);

void optimal()
            * f get number of fargement to create.
            * i,x, j,cnt, m,k is use for loops
            * p = position of fragement
            int count[10],i,j,k,fault,f,flag,temp,current,c,dist,max,m,cnt,p,x;
            fault=0; //fault count in variable store
            printf("\nEnter frame size:");
            //initilizing distance and frame array  
                        count[i]=0; // all count array become zero.
                        fr[i]=-1;           //all fragement is become -1
            for(i=0;i<n;i++)//first loop start
                        flag=0;  // flag is 0
                        temp=pg[i]; //assige pg[] to temp variable
                        for(j=0;j<f;j++)                                   //second loop start
                                    if(temp==fr[j])//checking temp equal to fragement size if equal than assige.
                                                flag=1; // page is successful allocated
                                                break; //return stop and start new page and put and find a suitable fragement.
                        }                                  //second loop end
//start from 000000
                        if((flag==0)&&(k<f))    //flag is zero and (k =0;) less than f
                                    fault++; //fault occur add one
                                    fr[k]=temp; //fr[k =0] put into temp
                                    k++; //and k+1
//searching the frame that contain value.
                        else if((flag==0)&&(k==f)) // else if flag is 0 and k equal to f
                                    fault++;                                   //than also fault + 1
                                    for(cnt=0;cnt<f;cnt++)                                   //third loop start
                                                current=fr[cnt];      //current = 0 and  fragement [loop var];
                                                for(c=i;c<n;c++) //fourth loop start
                                                            if(current!=pg[c])   //current have fargement size
                                                                        count[cnt]++;    // count[loop var] +1;
                                                                        break;  //if not than break
                                                }        // fourth loop end
                                    }            //third loop end
                                    max=0; // max is equal to zero


                                    for(m=0;m<f;m++) //loop fifth start
                                                if(count[m]>max)  //count[loop var] less than max
                                                            max=count[m];  //max = count[ loop var]
                                                            p=m;    //  p is variable equal to m variable
                                    fr[p]=temp; // p have the value from m that p have the position of fr[p] = temp to stre in temp vairable
                        for(x=0;x<f;x++)// sixth loop start
                                    printf("%d\t",fr[x]); //print the f fragemtn size repeat that time.
                        }//sixth loop end
            printf("\nTotal number of faults=%d",fault); // show the falut

void lru()
            * i,j,m,x,cnt use for loops
            * f use fragement generation
            * count[] array use for counting
            * fault counts
            int count[10],i,j,k,fault,f,flag,temp,current,c,dist,max,m,cnt,p,x;
            printf("\nEnter frame size:");
            scanf("%d",&f);  //fargement size want to enter
            //initilizing distance and frame array  
            for(i=0;i<f;i++) //loop start
                        count[i]=0; //all array becomes zero
                        fr[i]=-1;   //all fragement size become -1(NULL)
            for(i=0;i<n;i++) //first loop start  n get value from start variable
                        flag=0; // flag zero
                        temp=pg[i];  //temp have empty we put some value in pg[i] value which get from start
                        for(j=0;j<f;j++)    //second loop start                         
                                    if(temp==fr[j]) //temp value is equal to fragement size fr[j] each compare one by one
                                                flag=1; //if this true flag is one than its break the loop
                                                break;//stop the loop
                        }//second loop end
                        if((flag==0)&&(k<f))  //flag == 0 and  k=0 <f than this condition is exceute
                                    fault++; //count the fault that occurs in fargement which is not store.
                                    fr[k]=temp; //fragement[k]  store in temp
                                    k++; //k is a vairable which store a position of fragement replaced.
                        else if((flag==0)&&(k==f)) // flag is equal to zero and k (position size) == f
                                    fault++;                                   //count the fault
                                    for(cnt=0;cnt<f;cnt++) // third loop start                               
                                                current=fr[cnt]; // current is variable which is equal to fragement[loop variable]
                                                for(c=i;c>0;c--) // fourth loop start
                                                            if(current!=pg[c])  //current != page[loop variable c]
                                                                        count[cnt]++; // count [ loop variable c] +1
                                                                        break; //if the above condition is false than this exceute and break the loop(stop)
                                                }//fourth loop end
                                    }//third loop end
                                    max=0; // max variable is equal to zero
                                    for(m=0;m<f;m++) //fifth loop start
                                                if(count[m]>max) //count[loop var m] > max (equal = 0)
                                                            max=count[m]; // max  equal count[loop var m]
                                                            p=m; //p store the loop times
                                    fr[p]=temp; // fragement [loop time (P)]  put in temp vairable.
                        for(x=0;x<f;x++)//sixth loop start
                                    printf("%d\t",fr[x]); //print all the page on list one by one
            printf("\nTotal number of faults=%d",fault); //count the fault that occur in the in paging



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